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A different timeline.

Written by Saroosh Numair

When I was starting my journey into university life, I initially had chosen to get me degree in Business. However, I made the sudden decision to transfer to Media Studies as it had been a passion of mine for a long time. I had spent my A Levels studying it as an extra subject, alongside the commerce combination. It was a major decision in my life and one that was very crucial to how my future would play out, and I often find myself wondering what my life would be like had I stuck with my original decision. If I hadn’t chosen media studies as my major, I would not have experienced all the things that I am so grateful for. In doing this degree, I have had the opportunity to take classes with a diverse group of very talented peers, and also become friends with them. I would not have had the honor of working with Salman Noorani, a man who’s work has inspired me for a long time. Meeting him and having him mentor me was one of the greatest honors and it is something that I will carry with me forever. In choosing the degree that I did, I had the chance to further my skills and exposure as a photographer and a content creator. This opened avenues for me that I definitely could not have predicted. It’s allowed me to freelance several projects and also led to a well-known singer, Umar Khan, having a conversation with me about content that I created featuring his work. These are all monumental achievements for me and are helping to shape my future in this field. My life would be very different if I had not changed my mind about the path I wanted to take.


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