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Blog reviews:

Some reviews by me on my classmates' blogs.

What if my uncle never left us?

By: Hania Alvi

I often wonder how life would have been if some things didn’t happen, if some people didn’t leave without saying anything, a simple goodbye perhaps. Some incidents can change your life forever. I wouldn’t say its always bad but, in my case, it was,

It was a cold, fateful evening of December 2016. My cousins and I went out to grab coffee; it was one of those days when you feel like something is wrong, but you cannot point it out. Its just a tingling sensation in your bones, you can feel it, but you can’t do anything to stop it. It was around 7pm when us cousins went to this coffee place and sat in the outdoor dining area. It was a chilly day. We were laughing, enjoying, telling each other stories, confessing things we never talked about before; everything seemed calm at that moment. We left the dining and reached home around 10pm. We had a good time but all of us were worn out, so we decided to rest. Around 10:30 at night, someone knocked at the gate. It was not a usual knock; we just knew something went wrong. I opened the gate and found a man standing in front of me. He seemed baffled, as if he didn’t know what to say or how to say it. He kept finding the right words to break the news, and finally he did. ‘Ap k mamu, Zaheer bhai ka accident hogaya hai. He passed away.’ he uttered. I stood there in complete silence; his words cut deeper than a knife. He repeated thrice, and the third time, it finally hit me. I ran inside to tell the others but, I felt weak, I felt feeble; I couldn’t say those words again. It took me all my courage to inform the others about what happened. We were all deeply attached to our uncle. He was more like a best friend to us; especially to me. We shared such a beautiful bond that I couldn’t share with anyone else. It took me quite a while to realize that I lost him. I lost my dear uncle, my friend, my confidant, my guide, my helper and in short, I lost a piece of my heart. Well, ever since we lost him, life has been different. Whenever something happens, be it good or bad, I still think of him. I still want to tell him, want to ask for his help, for his wise suggestions. It feels like something is missing, there’s a void that can’t be filled. I wonder how life would have been if he was still with us. I feel lost at times, I feel confused. I need him but he’s not here.

I think life would have been better if he was around. It’s great Alhamdulillah but, with his help, his guidance and wisdom, it would have been amazing. I would share every little thing with him, I would take care of him with all my heart. I'm sure he would have guided me and helped me in every step of the way. I miss my uncle every day.

My Review:

My thoughts on this when I first read this is how relatable it was to me. Last year, I lost my Grandmother who I was really close to and the thought that I will never be able to hug her again hurts alot. Hania wrote this very beautifully, giving me goosebumps.

Smart Work is better than Hard Work - Zaid Khalid

Once upon a time, there was a poor woodcutter who worked diligently every day in the mountains, chopping wood and selling them in the market. It was a ridiculously difficult task that kept him awake from dawn to dusk, but it wasn’t enough to feed his family.

When he went to a craftsman’s shop to sell the wood, he noticed that the craftsman was selling precious carved wood for thousands of rupees to a merchant. The woodcutter inquired of the craftsman, “Where do you get these lovely polished woodcrafts?”

The craftsman replied, “These are made from the same piece of wood you sold me yesterday; I cut small pieces out of them and transformed them into beautiful sculptures.”

“There is no value for my hard work,” the woodcutter expressed his sadness. In the hot summers, I worked 9-10 hours a day for a few rupees. And those of you who work a few hours at home will earn thousands of rupees. While you are not working as hard as I am, your benefit is ten times that of mine.

The craftsmen replied, “The worth of any product is measured by how useful it is, not by how much effort has been expended.”

My review:

I love this piece by Zaid, its a really good read and for some even a great motivator on how to get through your life. Even though I do not fully agree about skipping hard work however sometimes in life you do need to work smart not hard.

I will never forget my Urdu teacher ever in my life. She was humorous, kind, helpful and what I will remember is her sarcastic remarks. One day we all had a very bad start of the day and our Urdu teacher came in the class and cracked a very wired joke. For a moment no understood and then there was a roar of laughter. She with her humor and wired jokes can change anyone’s mood anytime. Whenever we are felling dull or lazy, she cracks a joke and everyone’s active again. Now that I think of that time, I miss her a lot. I miss her jokes and her weirdly amazing sense of humor.

I wasn’t feeling well and was at a stage where I couldn’t bear any class and she was the one who came up to me and gave me a pill so that I can feel better. She is known for her kindness and soft heartedness. She has always helped people in need and is always there for everyone. She has a heart of gold and a heart that has space for everyone no matter what.

On my way back home, I saw my Urdu teacher standing next to a drug addict, she was giving him all the basic stuff one needs. And this is not the first time she is helping someone. She has helped a lot of people who are needy and the ones who have some sort of illness or disabilities. I was talking to her about that drug addict and she told me that the man took a loan and was not able to give it back. He started to take drugs because of stress and anxiety. She was helping him release the loan and bring him back to the normal world.

She has a great sense of humor and is good at giving sarcastic remarks. She has proven to be the most sarcastic person I’ve ever seen in my life. It has happened a lot that when someone says something and she does not like it she turns back and very calmly will give a sweet remark. You think it is sweet but actually it’s not sweet at all, it has sarcasm with a sweet touch.

In our life journey we meet a lot of people and there are a few people you always remember. They can be your family member or someone you meet outside your family. Like friends and teachers but it depends how you remember them. Cause everyone is not good and you might not have good memories with them.

My review:

I had a good time reading this as it hit so close to home because I could relate to it with one of my teachers I had in the fourth grade who was also an Urdu teacher, she was the best urdu teacher I had and really helped me with the struggle I had with the language. If I had urdu teachers like her throughout my life, I would be so much better at the language. A great read, loved reading it.


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