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Adolf Hitler: The definition of the B word

By: Saroosh Numair

A portrait of Adolf Hitler.

“It is not truth that matters, but victory.” - Adolf Hitler

Over the course of history, mankind has progressed and moved forward from past mistakes. There are individuals from not only every walk of life, but also from nearly every time period, who have done everything in their power to be marked as someone to be hated. One such person is Hitler.

Hitler can be described as a man who had rather strong values when it came to his perception of the world. He is also one of the few, who made an active effort to act on those values. His stubbornness and, quite frankly, his inability to be accepting of diversity, ultimately led to the grave massacre of millions of Jews. He had one main goal; the extermination of the Jewish race.

Hitler’s racist mindset was perhaps one of the largest influences on the world at that time. It gave way to mass genocide and a world war; leading to sacrifices that were never necessary in the first place.

Born in Austria in 1889, he was the leader of the German Nazi’s and was also the world’s most famous dictator. Hitler was a man who was psychoanalyzed by many; it was clear that he clearly suffered from multiple personality disorders – not justifying any of his actions, but perhaps making sense of some of them.

He was pale faced, common for someone of European descent, and also had striking blue eyes – eyes which were nearly always frowning, angry at the world and showcasing his stubborn discontent with the environment around him. His light brown hair was always cut short and assembled neatly, giving clear signs of his military background. The most significant part of his physical appearance though, had to be his trademark moustache which sat directly below his nose, and only extended till as far as the scent smelling organ’s width. His moustache is definitely described to be hos trademark, as to this day, decades after Hitler’s passing, it is still recognized and linked to the German dictator.

The after effects and influence of this nationalist Nazi German were so strong that regardless of where you go in the world, Hitler is a name that is still feared and regarded to be one of the most dangerous of the lot. Maybe it would be better to use the word psychotic when describing a man of his caliber, but at the end of the day, for the longest time, he was still a leader who was followed without question, and respected to the extent that no one ever dared to cross him.

Hitler was a bad man. He promoted racist and intolerable ideologies in large groups of people and hurt the sentiments and livelihoods of countless more. His death was, although a suicide, a death which brought about an end to a reign of terror that had spread over the world.


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